Note that the July 2024 Supper Series FINALE Will NOT be held this year

2024 Kickoff Cocktail Party
Women on the Water

Women on the Water LIS, women sailors in the kitchen,  2024 Kick off Cocktail Party

The Women on the Water 2024 Kickoff Cocktail party was held in Riverside, CT on Sunday, April 14. Nearly 60 women sailors from 12 area yacht clubs attended to socialize and hear the latest news and event updates from member club representatives.


Origins of the Women's Interclub Supper Series Finals
(According to Indian Harbor Yacht Club)

Some highlights from the 2019 WOWLIS Supper Series Finale at Indian Harbor Yacht Club in Greenwich, CT. Over 60 women sailors participated.

In 2013, at the winter women's sailing program leaders' meeting at the Pequot Yacht Club, it was discovered that the WOW East Group was holding a sailing/supper series much like the WOW West Group, so it was decided to hold a Finals combining the two groups.

But where to hold such an event? Alix Hahn from American Yacht Club said to Karen Lau, "Indian Harbor Yacht Club, because you guys have the best food!" So it was decided to inaugurate a WOW Supper Series Finals event the second Tuesday in July, and to include more than just sailors by offering spectator boats and a "supper" to all supporters of women's sailing.

WOW Signature Events & Supper Series Events

We add photos and write-ups from our 2024 events as they occur and we receive updates from each club’s WOW representatives. If you’re a REP, send your photo and write-up to Cathy Blood (OGYC) at

In alphabetical order by Club.

To view in date order, visit our online Calendar of Events.

AMERICAN YACHT CLUB - Not Held in 2024

Supper Series

Monday, June 17, 2024 (WOW EAST)
Waiting for Photo & Write-up

East | West Sail & Brunch
Saturday, June 22, 2024 (WOW EAST + WEST)

Housatonic Boat Club WOW Rep Claudine Disario reports for 2024: On Saturday, June 22nd, Housatonic Boat Club hosted WOW of LIS members from Pequot, OGYC and Stamford YC for its annual brunch and sail. The weather was great and all sailed J22’s and a Sonar. As always, the HBC women put on a potluck brunch that puts all other potlucks to shame! Everyone had a fantastic time - a fun way to start the weekend!

30 women sailors from HBC gather on the dock after the 2024 supper series 'brunch' event

Regatta (J80s & J24s) & Supper -
HRCS Inwood Location
Saturday, August 17, 2024 (WOW EAST & WEST)

Hudson River Community Sailing Club WOW Rep Elif Levent reports for 2024: In August, Hudson River Community Sailing hosted an exhilarating regatta in beautiful Inwood (just north of the GW Bridge), showcasing the talents of women sailors. The event featured a diverse fleet, including four J/80s and four J/24s, creating a competitive and lively atmosphere on the water. Women sailors of all experience levels came together, demonstrating their skills and passion for sailing while celebrating the shared love for the sport.

Set against the stunning backdrop of the Hudson River, the race highlighted the beauty of Inwood’s natural scenery. The event fostered a sense of camaraderie and connection among the participants, with women sailors exchanging tips, stories, and encouragement throughout the day. The scenic course and favorable weather conditions added to the excitement, making it a memorable experience for all involved.

Following the race, the participants gathered for a small but meaningful award ceremony at a nearby restaurant. The celebration provided an opportunity to honor the day’s achievements and strengthen the bonds within the sailing community. By bringing together women from different yacht clubs and fostering a spirit of collaboration and friendly competition, the event was a resounding success and a testament to the growing inclusivity within the sport of sailing.

Sailors for the Hudson River Community Sailing 2024 WOW Regatta gather after the race on a rainy patio

Supper Series

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (WOW WEST)

Indian Harbor Yacht Club WOW Rep Karen Lau reports for 2024: Tuesday, June 25th could not have offered a more beautiful evening for the WOWLIS western district to race and dine at Indian Harbor Yacht Club. Sailors from all clubs raced three windward races in a consistent SSW 5-7 knot wind. Finishes varied and it was a great opportunity to see new and returning sailors skippering and crewing! The club provided a special WOW pomegranate rum drink that started off the supper on the South Patio. Thank you all for coming and bringing the great conditions and weather!

Photo Credit: Mary Alice Fisher Photography

Group Photo Credit: Mary Alice Fisher Photography

Supper Series

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WOW WEST)

Larchmont Yacht Club WOW Rep Anne Stark Locher reports for 2024: LYC’s Supper Series event turned into a dinner-only affair on June 11 due to no wind and glassy seas. In true WOW spirit, a game group trotted over to the Tiki Bar and enjoyed a congenial evening of drinks and dinner.

Supper Series

Monday, June 10, 2024 (WOW EAST)

Noroton Yacht Club WOW Rep Erica Wood reports for 2024: Noroton hosted a WOW East sail and dinner on June 10th with a total of 43 ladies. We had a perfect night for a sail in the club Ideals and Sonars as well as a member’s boat. Noroton Women’s Sailing is celebrating 25 years this summer and we were so happy to have this night as part of our celebrations!

Supper Series
Monday, June 3, 2024 (WOW EAST)

Norwalk Yacht Club WOW Rep Anne Munkenbeck reports for 2024: Fifty women enjoyed on the water activities, drinks on the deck and a wonderful sit down dinner at this years WOW interclub held at Norwalk Yacht Club. Sailors arrived to no wind but enjoyed an evening cruise on various Big Boats and power boats all captained by women members.

Supper Series

​Tuesday, June 4, 2024 (WOW WEST)

Old Greenwich Yacht Club WOW Rep Beth Eaton reports for 2024: The Women Ideal Racers of OGYC welcomed teams from Horseshoe Harbor, Larchmont, American and Riverside Yacht Club for racing and dinner as part of the “Women on the Water Supper Series”. We had a fun, low key, racing event followed by dinner on the deck. Many of us have known each other for years and it is fun to get together and catch up – with just a bit of rivalry out on the water! (The Larchmont Yacht Club Team won.) Racing for OGYC were Renee Potter and Jessica Fitzsimmons. OGYC is a volunteer club and our four races were run by OGYC’s Race Committee of EJ Haskill and Pat Quis. Susan Ryan, Susan Connal, Jessica Fitzsimmons, Caroline Romans and Beth Eaton put together dinner. Thanks to all who came!

Women sailors from Old Greenwich CT Yacht Club gather on the deck for Women on the Water sail and dinner

Supper Series

Monday, May 20, 2024 (WOW EAST)

Pequot Yacht Club WOW Rep Victoria Ross reports for 2024: We had a great turn out for the WOW East Supper Series on May 20th at Pequot. Visiting sailors from Housatonic, Stamford, Norwalk, Noroton and Black Rock Yacht Clubs joined us to kick-off the season with Ideal 18 sailing. In addition to the Ideals, we also had two big boats take groups out for a sail. Sailing was followed by a bountiful potluck dinner.

40 Pequot Yacht club women sailors gather on the lawn for the Women on the Water Supper Series

Supper Series

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (WOW WEST)

Riverside Yacht Club WOW REP Sara Keller reports for 2024: We had some beautiful and fairly warm early spring sailing weather on May 29, and delighted in a few windward-leeward courses to get the sailing season off to a good start. We had about 16 women sailors ready to get into the Ideals and have some fun. We rotated in and out of boats off the fuel dock, allowing all who showed up an opportunity to sail in a very congenial and low key racing format. After sailing we headed to the Trophy Room for a delicious dinner, drinks and some great socializing. It was a nice start to the WOW Supper Series and a perfect night to celebrate getting on the water!

Group of Women sailors gather for a social race and dinner on the dock at Riverside Yacht Club, Riverside CT

Supper Series

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (WOW EAST)

Stamford Yacht Club WOW REP Ethel Scully reports for 2024: Thirty-five sailors enjoyed a gorgeous evening at Stamford Yacht Club on Wednesday, June 26. Representatives from Stamford, Norwalk, Noroton, Pequot and Old Greenwich Yacht Clubs and Housatonic Boat Club kicked off the event with a sail in light breeze on the J120 M Squared, the J105 Valiant and half of the Ideal 18 fleet. During the sunset dinner on SYC's Vineyard Deck, attendees competed in a spirited game of nautical trivia. The team from Housatonic and Old Greenwich were the winners, scoring extra points for knowing both the name of the famous 19th century female lighthouse keeper and the location of her lighthouse - Ida B. Lewis, Newport, RI!

The women sailors of Stamford Yacht Club gather on the deck for a fun, smiling group photo after the 2024 Women on the Water Supper Series

Stonington Yacht Club
Sail & Slumber

Thursday, July 18 to Friday, July 19, 2024 (WOW EAST + WEST)

Stonington Harbor Yacht Club WOW Rep Tori Gimple reports for 2024: WOW SHYC Sail & Slumber was an outstanding event with 10 WOW women traveling up to Stonington Harbor on what can only be described a "picture perfect" night for harbor cruising and boat banter among the mixed crews. 24 women filled all 8 of SHYC's Ideal 18's. A post race dinner of summer salad, salmon, chicken, pot de creme was served to a group that grew to include more SHYC sailors and even a couple spouses as well. Hosts and guests were paired then headed home for the "slumber” part of the event. In the morning, Jill B hosted harborside brunch of fresh fruit, local sourdough bagels, plus rosemary & sea salt topped salmon especially smoked by her husband, homemade granola, yogurt and delicious spinach quiche meant there was something for everyone. Sitting on the seawall, sipping coffee and enjoying the view as the little Optis went out for a lesson was a fitting end to such a spectacular overnight event. SHYC looks forward to seeing their WOW friends at events later in the summer.

Women sailors on the steps at Stonington Yacht Club, after our sail and just before a lovely dinner - at the 2024 'sail and slumber'.

Women on the Water, Long Island Sound: serving women sailors from CT & NY
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